Payment for translation services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi UAE

Prices for consecutive interpretation services in the UAE

Говорит на арабском или английском

Our company specializes in providing quality consecutive interpreting services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other major cities in the UAE. We offer a range of interpreting services for events. Some of the types of interpreting we provide are listed below. We offer flexible payment terms and discounts for long-term projects. | Concierge Business Consulting in Dubai and UAE | Your Path to Success


payment options

Payments are accepted via bank transfer, cash or online payment systems such as PayPal, ensuring convenient and secure transactions.


Откройте для себя привлекательность наших красивых девушек-ассистентов! Наши участницы не только обладают захватывающей внешностью, но и в совершенстве владеют английским и русским языками. Погрузитесь в атмосферу нашего стенда в Дубае, встречайтесь с нами и позвольте нашим обаятельным профессионалам вас очаровать!

Cash on the day of the event

- This is a simple and quick method, but requires both parties to be in the same place.

Online payment systems

(e.g. PayPal, Stripe) - suitable for international payments or when additional transaction security is needed.

Business presentations

We provide quality interpretation for business presentations, helping participants get all the information they need in their native language in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and beyond.

Visiting banks and offices

Our translators accompany you to banks and government offices in the UAE, helping you interact with staff and understand procedures.

В Дубае официальным языком является арабский, и он обычно используется в деловой обстановке


Our translators will help ensure effective training for any industry, including education and medicine, by providing translation of instructions and materials.

Семинары и встречи

Business meetings in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Our translators will help ensure communication at business meetings, conduct negotiations effectively and maintain conversation between participants.

Conferences and Seminars

In addition, we provide translation services at conferences and seminars throughout the UAE to ensure that participants can fully participate in the events and understand the presentations and talks.

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